Monday, July 12, 2010

Email to a popular podcaster who made a great comment: The Instance Episode #195: Scott Johnson, Randy Jordan.

Randy states Scott's comments are the beginning's of religion, he is correct.

The Actual podcast is her:

The comments are very late in the cast.

This is the email I sent them follwing.

I really like the comparison you guys made with humans having a need to connect incidents together and that created religions.

I just wanted to make the comment, that the latest studies of the human sub-conscious actually indicate that the pear truck wasn't coincidence, it was the sub-conscious unwittingly submitting information to the conscious which in turns causes the conscious to hit the truck somehow. Since the subconscious is aware of everything at all times, and the conscious being a relevancy filter for the sub-conscious the witting submissions of the subconscious allow the conscious to be aware of things because they are somehow relevant at the moment, but the subconscious can unwittingly command the conscious to take action as a type of internal conspiracy to make what you truly want to happen come true as the subconscious was aware that the pear truck was there. I think this explains the book "The Alchemist" and similar philosophies.

This in fact is the beginning of a lot of explanations of why people do what they do and believe what they believe. The "Crazy" people with high IQs have a smaller filter allowing far more data to get to the conscious level. Think it helps explain why most genius IQ level people are atheist or at least agnostic.

Anyways, good stuff, thanks.

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